First, let's address your question "is it assumed that we would camp there? Or is there a hotel?" You have no choice but to spend the night. No one is allowed to even enter Havasupai territory without a permit obtained in advance -- and permits are available only in conjunction with an overnight stay (at either their campground or their lodge). Reservations at the Lodge are sold out for all of 2018, and almost all of 2019; reservations for 2020 will go on sale on June 1, 2019 (unless things change). Campground permits for 2018 sold out long ago. Permits for 2019 go on sale on February 1, 2019 (unless things change), and sell out so fast you may never get a chance to get one. I specified "unless things change" because things DO change here -- a lot. There are rumors the campground reservations will go on sale sooner, and who knows what will happen with the lodge? The alternative: go with a private outfitter, which has secured the necessary permits, and sometimes includes tents, meals, and guides. The cost generally ranges between $1,200 and $1,800 per person for a two or three night stay. You can sometimes make reservations a mere few months in advance. You also asked "how long would it take to see all 4 waterfalls? Can we fit them in 1 day?" There are more than 4 waterfalls, although interestingly enough, in July of this year, a flash flood reduced Little Navajo Falls to a trickle. I'm guessing you're referring to Fiftyfoot Falls, Little Navajo Falls, Havasu Falls, and Mooney Falls (thus excluding Beaver Falls). Yes, it's possible to visit these four in one day/two nights (starting and ending at either the campground or the lodge). If you meant Fiftyfoot Falls, Havasu Falls, Mooney Falls and Beaver Falls, that's also possible in one really long day, but two days/three nights would be better. Could you do it in just one night? As noted, there is a helicopter, but it won't save time, and it doesn't run every day, andwould still require a minimum stay of one night. You'd need to be very fit to hike to Supai and visit all the waterfalls in one day, spending the night in Supai, then hiking out the next day.