Moving student loans, she added, to the SBA ... SBA is prepared to restore efficiency and accountability to our taxpayer-funded loan programs,” said Kelly Loeffler, head of the SBA, in a ...
The SBA did not include managing the $1.6 trillion federal student loan portfolio anywhere within its memo announcing its restructuring.
Borrowers on income driven repayment plans have been waiting for the last month to see if they can keep their monthly ...
The closure of the entire department would require an act of Congress, but Trump and his newly appointed secretary of ...
To move the federal student loan portfolio across agencies will likely require congressional action, as would shuttering the ...
"It doubled overnight." Trump signed an executive order Thursday calling for the dismantling of the U.S. Education Department ...
President Trump announced that Kelly Loeffler at the Small Business Administration will take over federal student loans.
SBA to cut half its workforce - all while taking on student loan management - The student loan portfolio totals more than ...
The Small Business Administration will take over federal student loan programs, President Donald Trump announced Friday. “We ...