Eine denkwürdige Bundestagsdebatte rückt Friedrich Merz in den Fokus. Parteiübergreifende Kritik an seiner Person und seinem ...
Es ist der alte Bundestag, der am Donnerstag in einer ersten Sitzung Milliardenschulden berät. Doch die Fronten verlaufen ...
Weidel led the Alternative for Germany, a male-dominated party accused of far-right extremism, from the fringes into the ...
Alice Weidel of the nationalist, anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany lives in Switzerland and is married to a Sri Lankan-born woman. She had led her party to second place before Sunday’s ...
Nach der Bundestagswahl wächst der Einfluss der radikal rechten Partei AfD in Deutschland. Verfassungsrechtler warnen vor Angriffen auf die Demokratie.
In der Debatte um das milliardenschwere Finanzpaket sind Union und SPD auf die Grünen zugegangen – mit wenig Erfolg. Die ...
As an openly gay politician who lives with her Sri Lanka-born partner in Switzerland, Alice Weidel was an unusual choice to many to lead Germany's far-right and anti-immigration AfD into Sunday's ...
She started out in China on a German government scholarship and stayed to write a doctoral thesis on its pension system, ...
Alice Weidel, co-leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), speaks during the election party at the party's headquarters in Berlin Germany, Sunday, Feb 23, 2025. (PHOTO: AP/Soeren Stache) ...
Ms Weidel’s charisma alone does not explain the AfD’s rise—indeed she is an uninspiring speaker. The 12-year-old party, like others on the hard right in Europe, has benefited from widespread ...
Alice Weidel may not be the person you would imagine at the top of Germany's far-right political movement. She's gay with a Sri Lankan partner, the film-maker Sarah Bossard. And Ms Weidel ...
As an openly gay politician who lives with her Sri Lanka-born partner in Switzerland, Alice Weidel was an unusual choice to many to lead Germany's far-right and anti-immigration AfD into Sunday's ...