What we know of this early society changes and is re-intepreted year by year as new archaeological finds discovered beneath the desert sands revise our understanding of ancient Egypt. This web ...
King Thutmose II’s life, death and afterlife are riddled with unanswered questions. Historians know he briefly ruled ancient Egypt around 3,500 years ago, but not much else about his reign.
DR JOANN FLETCHER:Welcome to Pa-Demi, an ancient Egyptian village where nobody's lived for over 3,000 years. An yet, believe it or not, it was once really busy, teeming with life, a very noisy ...
Egyptian officials announced Tuesday the discovery of the tomb of King Thutmose II, the last of the lost tombs of the kings of ancient Egypt's Eighteenth Dynasty, which reigned for over two ...
Egyptologist, Dr Joann Fletcher investigates what everyday life was like in ancient Egypt for an ordinary person. Joann explores how the people of Egypt lived by exploring their tombs, touring ...