With the various television shows, the Broadway musical, and the live-action adaption of "The Little Mermaid," Ursula has continued to evolve, as has her relationship to Ariel and King Triton.
Musical Theatre of Anthem has announced their upcoming production of Disney's Little Mermaid Jr. Journey “under the sea” with ...
Aquata, Adrina, Arista, Atina, Adella and Ariel! Life is the bubbles, yet "The Little Mermaid" gives her voice for a life with her ...
A.D. Oliver Middle School will present Disney’s The Little Mermaid JR. at the Brockport High School Auditorium on January 31 ...
The Voyage of the Little Mermaid Marquee sign has been removed from the front of the building at Disney's Hollywood Studios.
Disney movies have each left an indelible mark on the lives of children around the world, but few fans actually realize that ...
A heartfelt video has captured the emotions of countless individuals on TikTok, featuring a Cuban mother named Lilita ...
This new immersive rendition of The Little Mermaid at Area Stage in South Miami ... capturing the moment when Jodi proudly watched Delaney perform Ariel’s iconic song, 'Part of Your World.' ...