The Atlantic bluefin tuna is one of the largest, fastest, and most gorgeously colored of all the world’s fishes. Their torpedo-shaped, streamlined bodies are built for speed and endurance.
Their bodies are muscular, and they have short pectoral fins compared to other tunas. HABITAT: Northern bluefin tuna are found throughout the North Atlantic Ocean. They can sustain cold and warm ...
There are three species of bluefin tuna: Pacific (Thunnus orientalis), Southern (Thunnus maccoyii), and Atlantic (Thunnus thynnus), the latter of which is the largest. Revered for their “rich ...
"Wilfully blind" members of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) have not given Mediterranean bluefin tuna any real chance to recover, WWF said as the commission ...
Sapporo, Japan – Members of the Northern Committee (NC)* of the Western and Central Pacific Fishery Commission (WCPFC) who met this week to discuss tuna management measures achieved too little too ...