In his experiments, the cathode rays bent over to one side ... realized that electric current was in fact made of moving electrons. Since electricity is the lifeblood of everything from computers ...
Röntgen was originally trying to find out whether cathode light rays - invisible streams of electrons, that could only be seen in glass vacuum tubes - could actually pass through the glass.
A research team at Stanford University has recently published a study in Science that suggests that this battery degradation is caused by hydrogen protons and electrons that can break off and form ...
Deflect electrons using magnet. Make the electrons curl around ... A more user-friendly power supply for this demo is available. The supplier for the cathode ray tube (Crookes tube in the catalogue) ...
Reader [Xellers] sent in his newest instructable: DIY Electron Accelerator: A Cathode Ray Tube in a Wine Bottle. While not exactly what you might think of a cathode ray tube, the basics are in place.