Like its better-known “corpse flower” cousin, which gives off a similarly putrid smell, the Amorphophallus gigas is also notable for its central spike, which can grow up to 12 feet tall.
Inside the tropical house, a small greenhouse that replicates the stifling humidity of a tropical island, it’s impossible to miss the titan arum, a 7-foot-tall plant known as the corpse flower ...
"It is not as large as an Amorphophallus titanum bloom, but its uniquely tall inflorescence is a significantly more rare occurrence," BBG gardener Chris Sprindis said. Corpse flower blooms usually ...
An Amorphophallus titanium, also known as a corpse flower, blooms for one to three days once every seven to 10 years. During the bloom, it releases a powerful smell, described by some as rotting ...
The corpse flower, also known by its scientific ... The crowds attracted to the 135-centimeter (53-inch) tall flower were limited to the hundreds by a ticketing system due to space constraints ...
A rare flower with a pungent odour that has been likened to decaying flesh, rotten eggs and sewage has bloomed in Australia - the third such flowering in recent months. The corpse flower ...
People have queued for hours at a Sydney greenhouse to get a whiff of the infamous corpse ... When its flower was spotted in December it was just 25cm (10 inches) high. By Thursday, as its flower ...