CONSTANTINE'S IMPERIAL CHRISTIANITY One of the first things Constantine does, as emperor, is start persecuting other Christians. The Gnostic Christians are targeted...and other dualist Christians.
Since Roman Emperor Constantine became a Christian and helped ... the value system of the Western world. Through this, ...
In the 4th century AD the Ethiopian King Ezana made Christianity the kingdom's official religion. In 312 Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.
the Roman Emperor Constantine. Following his battlefield conversion, Constantine established Christianity as the official religion of Rome, and he decided that Christ's birth should become a major ...
Carroll notes that turning the holy site into a fancy building, originally by order of Emperor Constantine and modeled after the imperial palace, was part of degrading the site, not preserving it.
By AD313, when Constantine became the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, the Gospel had already reached imperial provinces in Europe, Asia Minor and North Africa. The now-Christian ...