Taylor Fox is the Outdoor Gear Editor at Travel + Leisure where she tests, researches, and writes about travel products. Taylor holds a Master’s in Geography and has been a writer and editor for ...
We tested each pair of women’s hiking boots on country trails and hillside ... durable and affordable hiking gear. One boot to rule the trails – Altra’s Olympus is a great all-rounder ...
These shoes are zero-drop which means that they ... If you have been around long you know my obsession with wool and any list of hiking gear for women must have lots of wool!
Our seasoned Hoka wearer breaks down the popular running shoe brand’s lineup for tackling all kinds of trails.
Teva’s first pair of true winter boots deliver on their promises. They’re not meant for arctic adventures but are great at ...
to find the best hiking shoes for wide feet. Diane rocking a pair of men’s Vivobarefoots near the Ptarmigan Tunnel at Glacier National Park. Laura Lancaster She describes her foot as a D width (or ...
These boots (in men’s and women’s) offer the most ... The Wall Street Journal, and Gear Patrol. Whether you’re just starting your hiking journey with local day hikes, or you’re planning ...
You know and love this brand for its comfortable sneakers, but Hoka has much more to offer, from hiking shoes to clothing.
The brands on-sale include Hoka, Vasque, Columbia, Keene, Merrell, and more of the most popular outdoor companies.
The Darn Tough Light Hiker Micro Crew is another great lightweight option. We like the thin cushioned footbed and seamless ...
The Adidas Terrex Anylander Rain.Rdy Hiking Shoes are on sale for $64, a rare 25% discount from their normal price of $85.