Voice actor Ashly Burch responded to an internal Sony tech demo featuring a generative-AI controlled version of the hero she ...
The voice actor for Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West has repsonded to the recently leaked video of an AI ...
The voice actress behind Aloy has spoken out against the possible abuses of AI following the recently leaked AI footage of ...
Earlier this week, footage of an AI-powered character prototype developed by Sony and modeled after Horizon Zero Dawn's Aloy ...
Earlier this week, a video of an AI-powered version of Horizon's Aloy leaked online. Ashly Burch, the actor behind Aloy, has ...
Ashly Burch, the award-winning voice and performance actor behind Horizon Zero Dawn ’s Aloy — one of the most prominent ...
Horizon voice actor Ashly Burch speaks out about leaked AI tech demo of her character and calls for AI protection for game ...
Ashly Burch, the voice of Horizon Zero Dawn’s Aloy, expresses deep concerns over AI replacing human performers in video games ...
A Horizon Zero Dawn player discovers a curious hidden location in the popular open-world game years after its original ...
After a leaked Sony video released on YouTube, Horizon Zero Dawn's Aloy voice actor Ashly Burch has issued a statement.
Horizon Zero Dawn fans have have discovered a secret part of the map of the PS4 game with a mysterious implication.