The view was acquired on Sept. 14, 2017 at 19:59 UTC (spacecraft event time). The view was taken in visible light using the ...
Ride along on the outside of Huygens as it parachutes through Titan's atmosphere at nearly ... So you get no sound if you're in the vacuum of space, but you get sound if you're either in air ...
That spacecraft -- named the Huygens probe -- was sent from Earth ... However, the orbiter won't have many more chances to capture photos of Titan. Cassini is nearing the end of its mission ...
In December, the spacecraft skimmed by Saturn's outer rings, snapping some of the most detailed images we have ever seen. Follow Tech Insider: On Facebook More from Science NASA's Cassini ...
The wind on Saturn's largest moon is strong enough to blow around rocks of up to half a metre in diameter, which could put NASA's upcoming Dragonfly mission at risk ...
The photos the probe ... now that Enceladus and Titan are thought to have the right conditions for life. On 15 September, we say farewell to this game-changing mission and crash the probe into ...