A programmer torpedoes the idea of writing Linux drivers in Rust. A solution to the dispute is not in sight, but it is ...
The projected release date for Linux kernel 6.14 is late March 2025; expect it to start hitting distribution repositories after that date. Since this is a rather small release, Torvalds expects the ...
Linux creator and kernel maintainer Linus Torvalds recently made outspoken comments on the Linux kernel mailing list thread ...
Linus Torvalds also announced he would award five random Linux kernel developers with his handmade guitar effect pedals. What ...
One terabyte SD cards are old news now. Users can already buy SD cards with capacities exceeding 2 TB. The Secure Digital ...
UK telecom giant BT is pulling the plug on its EV charging ambitions after falling a long way short of the 60,000 street cabinets it reckoned could be repurposed.
Linus Torvalds has announced the first release candidate for Linux kernel 6.14, marking the beginning of public testing.
Linus Torvalds has just announced the release of Linux 6.13 on the Linux Kernel Mailing List: So nothing horrible or ...
Seems like the upcoming Linux kernel 6.14 release is going to be a nice one for gamers on Linux / Steam Deck, as the NTSYNC ...