Poison Ivy is a 1992 American thriller drama film directed by Katt Shea. It stars Drew Barrymore, Sara Gilbert, Tom Skerritt, and Cheryl Ladd. It is the first installment in a film series ...
The "Back To School" episode of Harley Quinn Season 5 offers a new, less problematic take on the origins of Poison Ivy.
World domination is merely a formality at this point. Now, let us discuss this week's offering: Poison Ivy #29, sprouting in comic stores on Wednesday, January 1st. Behold, the synopsis ...
Uma Thurman has defended her sole outing in a Batman movie to date saying that the much-derided Batman & Robin “was actually ...
Poison Ivy is a 1992 American thriller drama film directed by Katt Shea. It stars Drew Barrymore, Sara Gilbert, Tom Skerritt, and Cheryl Ladd. It is the first installment in a film series ...