Most of the people accused of treason and/or subversion were union workers, government employees, prominent intellectuals, ...
As Broadway prepares to reckon with the effect of McCarthyism on journalism in the new drama, Good Night and Good Luck, go ...
These men—the Hollywood Ten—refused to answer questions ... become known as “the bible” of the broadcast blacklist. Titled “Red Channels: The Report of Communist Influence in Radio ...
Risen, a historian and journalist, argues that roots of today’s U.S. political hard right are to be found in the Red Scare that lasted from the mid-1940s to 1957, when lawmakers tried to root out ...
Clay Risen examines Cold War hysteria in an even-handed way, trusting readers to make the connection between McCarthyism and ...
Another is the postwar Red Scare ... alleged Communist infiltration of Hollywood. In response, some motion-picture industry leaders volunteered to keep a blacklist and to fire any suspected ...
This was perhaps never truer than during the Red Scare, when the House Un-American Activities Committee's pursuit of alleged Communist infiltration within Hollywood led to the blacklisting of many ...