Unlike the other correspondence between Clinton and Sidney Blumenthal, there is no evidence that Clinton ever replied to the Max Blumenthal articles she was sent, or forwarded them among her staff.
Sidney Blumenthal’s name came up 49 times ... referring to a November 2010 blog post by his son, journalist Max Blumenthal, on the rise of the far right in the Netherlands.
Defined-Benefit Pensions Went Away Because They Were Bad for Workers More Problems with Love Is Blind in Its Latest Season Taiwan Allies in the Senate Renew Push to Rename Embassy We Don’t Need ...
Despite an express ban on his employment by the Obama White House, newly released e-mails show how Hillary Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal operated as a shadow State Department employee during ...
The statement was in response to a series of tweets over the weekend by Max Blumenthal ... Although Blumenthal has no connection to the Clinton campaign, he is the son of Sidney Blumenthal ...
Last September, former McClatchy Newspapers Washington bureau chief James Asher revealed the role that Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal played in stirring up the birther scandal. “He strongly ...
If I hadn't had some relish for the ironic contrast between the sublime and the ridiculous, I would never have become a friend of Sidney Blumenthal's in the first place, and would never have been ...
Sidney Blumenthal is a political journalist, pundit and adviser to both President Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton. He has written for the New Republic, the New Yorker and the Washington Post.
In the Saudis’ den of extremism, Trump trades advanced weapons for a $200 billion re-election fund Max Blumenthal Is Trump rescuing Al-Qaeda's "heartland" in Syria? The president's missile ...
To support the debunked notion that Clinton’s campaign originated “birther” rumors during the 2008 presidential campaign, Trump referenced longtime Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal.
Blumenthal has warned that the rise of a far-right element in Israeli society is proving to be one of the main blocks to peace in the region Max Blumenthal spent a year in Israel documenting the ...