In an AI-saturated age, recognizing this dynamic holds liberating potential. Witnessing AI mimic human desire—impeccably, yet ...
The borders separating simulations from reality are important because they ... There is only one high that can last forever—the one that ends in death. It's hard to resist Jean Baudrillard's ...
We no longer live with the technology, we live in it, with occasional reminders of the other humans who share our spaces, interactions that are themselves mediated through simulations. In other words, ...
In the 1980s the sociologist Jean Baudrillard wrote that to overcome its contradictions and stay abreast of socio-political ...
To say that the famous pessimist Augustine wrote prolifically because of his hope in the power of the word is not to speak rashly. Words, Augustine thought, illuminate the ontology of human existence.
CURRO is presenting Simulacro y simulación, a summer group exhibition. The exhibition explores the concept of simulacrum and simulation, proposed by Jean Baudrillard in 1981.
French sociologist Jean Baudrillard’s concept of simulacra ... LLMs operate purely within simulation. Perhaps it's time to reconsider the impulses guiding our actions. Are we truly driven ...