This conflict mirrors past seasons where he struggled ... complicated relationship with Book. Unfortunately, Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Episodes 1-2 continue offering more of the same dynamics ...
Prepare for mind-bending adventures, gorgeous locations, unexpected encounters, and classic TOS-style episodes. Star Trek: Discovery showrunner Michelle Paradise drops some big hints about season ...
“Heart of Stone” ranks high on this list because of an amazing scene in which Nog declairs his desire to join Starfleet. It’s an incredible moment, filled with not just outstanding acting from ...
When Star Trek: Starfleet Academy debuts, it will be unlike any previous Trek series ever. Then again, according to a new ...
This post contains spoilers for the season finale of Star Trek Discovery-- but also ... The first scene of the first episode foreshadowed one of Discovery's biggest ongoing problems.
Star Trek universe has introduced the trekkies to several species and entities through their space adventures. One such species is Talosians.