So First Take discussed if the black and yellow would ... And it certainly had one on Stephen A. Smith, who needed several seconds to compose himself. "You know, I really, really want to know ...
Smith claimed that Bayless had pleaded with him to co-host full-time as ESPN brass wasn’t thrilled with the ratings for ...
Things have gotten so bad that Stephen A. Smith spent almost two minutes, uninterrupted, laughing at the team and its fans Friday on First Take. That came as Smith and his fellow cast ...
On Monday, Smith rejoined his old First Take co-host Skip Bayless on The Skip Bayless Show, where the host recounted the ...
Smith and Bayless worked for over a decade together at ESPN, most notably as “First Take” talking heads from 2012-16. Stephen A. Smith during Game Three of the NBA Finals between the ...
ESPN's Stephen A. Smith has extended his contract to stay with the network at $25 million a year for five years ...
Stephen A. Smith will not be leaving ESPN's airwaves anytime ... “First Take,” which is the network's top morning ...
The "First Take" host was all business for the constant action of NFL free agency with a befitting photo. NFL free agency ...
Stephen A. Smith could pursue a new spotlight elsewhere. On Friday, ESPN signed Smith to a five-year, $100 million extension. While he'll remain a First Take fixture, The Athletic's Andrew ...