Looking for a unique, low-maintenance pet that also lives a long time? Don't be afraid of this spider - they might just ...
A researcher described four new species of tarantulas, including one new genus, from India’s Western Ghats, a chain of mountains running along the country’s west coast. “Most people in India ...
said more than 500 species of spiders live in Kansas but probably only one common breed of tarantula called Texas browns. Their habitat ranges from northern Texas and Louisiana into Kansas and ...
For those of you who are still here, allow me to introduce you to a brand new species of tarantula that has nine appendages instead of the customary eight. The new (to science, at least ...
Despite their name, tarantula hawks (Pepsis genus) are actually a species of spider wasp. You can see the largest species of tarantula hawk wasp, Pepsis heros, at the Museum. It's on diplay in Hintze ...
“If they get on you, you’ll get a rash,” he said. The U.S. has 29 distinct species of tarantulas, 10 of which are in California, according to literature from Los Padres National ForestWatc ...