We only know that it was in the ancient capital Thebes, now modern day Luxor ... these frescoes are the only Greek wall paintings from the period to survive in their complete forms.
2008 Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis - Map displaying all components of the inscribed property and their buffer zone Clarification / adopted 2008 Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis - Map displaying ...
The narrative draws from the ancient Greek play The Bacchae, written by Euripides in 405 BCE, wherein Dionysus descends on Thebes seeking retribution for slander against him. The play ends with ...
Thebes, the city of the god Amon, was the capital of Egypt during the period of the Middle and New Kingdoms. With the temples and palaces at Karnak and Luxor, and the necropolises of the Valley of the ...