Townships across Minnesota are ready to hold their respective annual meetings on Tuesday, March 11. This is traditionally known as Township Day.Although these meetings often fly under the radar in the ...
The ping command tests a remote computer’s connectivity by sending a small data packet and measuring the response time. Mike Muuss created the ping utility in December 1983 while at the Ballistic ...
Brau Motors, a family-owned business in Arlington for over 75 years, has decided to give back its Buick franchise.“After decades of holding the Buick franchise, we’ve decided to go a direction we’re ...
Dr. Dean Bergersen has received the annual Darwin Mathwig Community Service Award.Darwin’s widow, Nancy Mathwig, presented the award during the Arlington Lions Fish Fry at the Arlington Event Center ...
The sixth annual Kolander Klassic Memorial Alumni Basketball Day will take place at St. Paul’s Lutheran School in Arlington from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, March 22.Any person who attended or ...
Sibley East senior Benito Diaz and sophomore Julio Alejandro have been named to the South Central Conference All Conference Wrestling Team.Diaz placed third at 133 pounds in the state wrestling ...
The visiting Sibley East varsity boys basketball team lost to Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton 67-38 during the opening round of the Section 2AA Boys Basketball Tournament on Tuesday night.The Wolverines, ...
Think Dementia announces help for rural Minnesotans living with dementia and their families with the free Medicare GUIDE program: Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience.Amy House, Certified Dementia ...
As I am writing this letter, I am wondering if our Citizens Committee is ready to sink or swim. After seeking legal advice, and receiving letters with statements distorting our efforts, we still went ...
Washington Lake Township, Sibley County, will be accepting quotes for snowplowing 39.1 miles of roads in Washington Lake Twp. Quotes will be accepted by the township clerk until 4:00 p.m. on Monday, ...