The school aims at equipping PhD students in the field of astrophysical tests of fundamental physics with theoretical, phenomenological and numerical tools at the forefront of their field of research.
We consider the three-dimensional Dirac equation in spherical coordinates with coupling to static electromagnetic potential. The space components of the potential have angular (non-central) dependence ...
We compute the electromagnetic fields generated in heavy-ion collisions by using the HIJING model. Although after averaging over many events only the magnetic field perpendicular to the reaction plane ...
The requirement that P and T be approximately conserved in the color gauge theory of strong interactions without arbitrary adjustment of parameters is analyzed. Several possibilities are identified, ...
The Springer edition of this book is an unchanged reprint of Courant and Friedrich's classical treatise which was first published in 1948. The basic research for it took place during World War II, but ...
Strong, electromagnetic, and weak forces are conjectured to arise from a single fundamental interaction based on the gauge group SU(5).
We present a search for CP violation in single top quark production with the DØ experiment at the Tevatron proton-antiproton collider. CP violation in the top electroweak interaction results in ...
A theory of the Fermi liquid is constructed, based on the representation of the perturbation theory as a functional of the distribution function. The effective mass of the excitation is found, along ...
Using the data on deep inelastic muon scattering on iron and deuterium the ratio of the nucleon structure functions F 2 N ( Fe )/ F 2 N ( D ) is presented. The observed x -dependence of this ratio is ...
We have searched for the lepton-flavor-violating decay D0→e±Î¼âˆ“ in 204 pb−1 of e+e− annihilation data at Ec.m.=29 GeV from the Mark II detector. No candidates were found; we estimate an upper limit on ...
A closed equation for the loop average is obtained in QCD with an infinite number of colors. It is shown, how this equation generates the planar graphs. The lattice regularization of this equation is ...
Total fission cross section induced by protons in ^181Ta and ^208Pb at energies in the range of 300 to 1000 A MeV have been measured at GSI (Germany) using the inverse kinematics technique. A ...