The third Annual Palestine Forum, organized by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in collaboration with the Institute for Palestine Studies, begins on Saturday, 25 January 2025, in Doha.
Deema Dalloul is a 20-year-old writer from Gaza. She is a middle child and an avid reader trying to find her place in this world. She used to study business administration and work as a digital ...
Aatika Ayoub holds a B.A. in History and Politics from the University of Greenwich, London. Her research focuses on orientalism, identity discourse, and socio-cultural histories of the SWANA region.
Farah Hamouda (she/her) is a Palestinian American, who is committed to Palestinian liberation. Currently, she is pursuing her Ph.D. in Sociology at UC Santa Barbara with research interests in ...
جواد العقَّاد: شاعر وكاتب وباحث يقيم بغزّة.
Hala Al Shami is a graduate student at New York University’s Media, Culture, and Communication program and an alum of the American University of Beirut. Currently, her research is focused on ...
يسري الغول: روائي فلسطيني يعيش في غزة.
ثائر أبو عياش: أسير سابق في سجون الاحتلال، وكاتب، وباحث فلسطيني.
From the same blog series: Genocide In Gaza, Letters from Gaza ...
قيس ماضي فرو، ولد سنة 1944 في قرية عسفيا الفلسطينية. وحصل على شهادة دكتوراه من مركز دراسات البحر الأبيض المتوسط في فرنسا سنة 1980. وعمل محاضراً في ...
First, the facts. On the night of 12-13 October 1953, a squad of infiltrators from Jordan crossed the border into Israel and lobbed a grenade into the home of a sleeping family in Yehud, a settlement ...