Why Trump’s speech to Congress won’t be a ‘State of the Union’ address - President Donald Trump will stand at the front of ...
Judging by his past speeches to Congress, Trump once felt the need to ask lawmakers to pass his agenda. Not so much anymore.
Despite the widespread outrage caused by Death of a President, the United States (and the world at large) has hardly strayed ...
Former President George W. Bush congratulated President-elect Donald Trump in a statement. “The strong turnout in this election is a sign of the health of our republic and the strength of our ...
Former President George W. Bush was rumored to make a surprise appearance at the DNC. (LM Otero/Associated Press) Social media is speculating that Republicans like Sen. Mitt Romney or former ...
To avoid combat in Vietnam, George W. Bush joined the 147th Texas Air National Guard, along with other sons of wealthy and well-connected Texans. "In his heart of hearts he did not want to go to ...
In 2001, President George W. Bush’s speech was his “Budget Message.” According to the American Presidency Project, the impacts of these first-year speeches should be considered to have the ...