Political scientist John Mearsheimer is convinced that the U.S. government under Trump wants to leave Europe to concentrate ...
Donald Trump has jettisoned the existing world order and the U.S. is backing away from decades-old alliances. Europe has no ...
For more than two years, a junior officer in the Syrian military, his sister and a friend risked their lives to collect evidence of the atrocities being committed by the regime. Their work changed the ...
Iran needs hard currency for its military and to re-arm Hezbollah. Tehran is now apparently seeking to access billions of ...
U.S. President Donald Trump has cast a covetous gaze at Greenland. But why? In an interview, Greenland expert Paul Bierman explains why the exploitation of natural resources on the island is difficult ...
For 80 years, the United States was the undisputed leader of Western democracies. But Donald Trump is discarding allies and values in favor of power and money as he steers America into the camp of the ...
With U.S. President Donald Trump having made it clear that he has little use for the trans-Atlantic alliance, Europe is rapidly trying to design a strategy for Ukraine - and for its own future.
Der neue kanadische Premier Mark Carney besucht zuerst Europa. Deutschland verspricht Syrien Millionen für den Wiederaufbau.
Unter Assad kontrollierte die Hisbollah die syrisch-libanesische Grenzregion. Nun werden dort offenbar Orte aus Syrien ...
Neben dem entwichenen Kerosin gibt es nach dem Auffahrunfall zwischen einem Frachtschiff und einem Tanker in der Nordsee eine ...
Die Fast-Fashion-Marke Forever 21 meldet erneut Insolvenz an. Grund sind dem Unternehmen zufolge weniger Besucher in den ...
Menschen, die sich für sexuelle Gleichberechtigung einsetzen, sind Ungarns rechtspopulistischer Regierung ein Dorn im Auge.