If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place. When an evacuation order is ...
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place.
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place.
한덕수 국무총리 탄핵 소추가 기각됐습니다. 헌법 재판관 8명 중 5명의 기각 의견으로 탄핵 기각이 결정됐는데, 헌법재판소는 비상계엄의 위헌·위법성에 대한 판단은 내놓지 않았습니다. 이재희 기자가 보도합니다.
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place.
​If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place.
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place.
​If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place. When an evacuation order ...
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place. When an evacuation order is ...
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place.
​If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place.
If a wildfire occurs, promptly get away from the fire and keep going to windward to a safe place.