Periods of happiness are empty pages in history,” he wrote in his Introduction to the Philosophy of History, “for they are the periods of harmony, times when the antithesis is missing.” In other words ...
Wallace’s therapeutic approach is strongly connected to ethics. His philosophy isn’t about prescribing moral rules or outlining abstract ideals; it’s about cultivating an ethical way of living ...
A life worth living, then, is one that fully experiences the present and experiments with new ways of being. Deleuze’s ethics ...
The English polymath Robert Hooke is known for his investigations into life too small for us to see. But his contributions to ...
Margaret Noble is a visual artist and educator whose work is featured alongside more than 20 other artists in “Land and Sea: Selections from the Collection” at the Museum of Contemporary Art San ...
Jesus believed in the imminent end of the world and the coming of the “Day of the Lord,” but that day never arrived, and ...
Papal biographer George Weigel considered Evangelium Vitae to be the final panel of an encyclical triptych on the “moral ...
In other words, we remember when life is a boiling cauldron ... happiness for what is right. But I also see how this misses ...
Though they have always been defining aspects of human civilisation, power and privilege have quite different expressions ...