Few experiences in a hunter’s life compare with acquiring an over-the-counter tag for an emperor goose, or hunting a flock of ...
Once one of the state's largest caribou herds, the low population of Southwest Alaska's Mulchatna herd has failed to recover.
Travis Larson, 49, of Homer was sentenced Monday to five years’ probation for providing big game transportation services for four black bears taken illegally in the Kenai Peninsula in May 2018.
New research shows that whales move nutrients thousands of miles—in their pee and poop—from as far as Alaska to Hawaii, ...
Apart from wild turkey, bobwhite quail were Charlie Elliott's other true love. Here's his take on the little game bird.
Canadian scientists collected samples of seawater and sediment from Admiralty Bay, Antarctica in hope of learning more about ...
The plan would allow skilled trail workers to continue their work this summer, after half of the U.S. Forest Service trail ...
Their unusual story began about a hundred years ago. Now, as they head to the high north, an ambitious new chapter is being ...
A University of Alaska Fairbanks scientist is participating in a U.S. government effort to design a satellite and instruments capable of detecting space debris as small as 1 centimeter, less than ...
Rural school districts depend on the state to fund construction and maintenance projects. But over the past 25 years, Alaska ...
Experts say Medicaid cuts would drive more Alaskans to emergency care, increase healthcare costs for all, and could harm the ...