Males of the South American species incubate their young in their vocal sacs. The London Zoo recently established a breeding ...
The science and technology publication American Scientist wrote about the "record-breaking, 10-inch-long whopper of a ...
The denizens of the Middle Island wetlands may have short spring migrations, but it's still a perilous journey.
With this delightfully warm weather, the earth is coming alive. Buds are swelling, maples are flowering, and the birds have ...
I'm comfortable that this die-off is a purely natural phenomenon and Tiny Marsh maintains good water quality,' naturalist ...
Rating: A photograph of a giant, green-and-yellow ... writes that American bullfrog tadpoles, scientific name Rana catesbeiana, more typically reach 4 to 6 inches in length and can take up to two ...
Singing frogs are looking for love. Sweet sap is flowing from the maple trees. Striking migratory birds are returning to ...
When Kermit the Frog told us in 1971 that it’s not easy being green it was meant as a plea for diversity, describing, as ...