In this video you are going to learn one of the best magic tricks I know. It is a really easy, self-working card trick that ...
During a promotional interview for their new film, Cameron Diaz surprised Jamie Foxx with a humorous comment about Elon Musk. When discussing the future of mankind, Diaz playfully referred to Musk as ...
In my part of Alaska, not far from Anchorage, winter solstice is always a dark day, but not because of the lack of light.
He calculated that a spiral nebula called Andromeda was about 860,000 light-years away — more than eight times farther than the most distant stars in our galaxy. He came to realize that what we ...
Tim Lydon of Girdwood writes in a commentary that it seems more people are giving darkness and its benefits a fresh look.
We have no concrete idea where the plot threads might go, but as a sequel, we could see humanity and other alien races unifying to make the Milky Way a Type 3.0 civilization. Mastering the Mass Relays ...
About 100 years after astronomer Edwin Hubble's discovered the "magnificent" spiral nebula, the Hubble Space Telescope and ...
The most detailed panorama of the entire Andromeda galaxy is packed with science that could revolutionize our understanding of how spiral galaxies across the universe form and evolve.
The work has revealed that Andromeda is a lot more chaotic than expected. Similar to what recently retired Gaia did for the ...
The Hubble Space Telescope completes a high-resolution portrait of our galaxy's gorgeous neighbor, which will help scientists better understand our Milky Way.
The full image includes some 2.5 billion pixels compiled from observations spanning more than 1,000 orbits around Earth ...