Scientists have determined that at least six new aquatic species have been thriving under an Antarctic ice shelf.
The updated map of Antarctica clearly shows the landscape beneath its massive ice sheet, including its tallest mountains and ...
For years, the BAS has been studying the bedrock beneath Antarctica's thick ice using advanced radar, sound waves, and gravity mapping techniques.
Unseen mountains, valleys, lakes, and rivers lie under Antarctica’s mile-thick ice sheet. Changes to those hidden rivers could have dramatic global consequences.
An international team on board Schmidt Ocean Institute's R/V Falkor (too) working in the Bellingshausen Sea rapidly pivoted ...
Bedmap3 has revealed hidden wonders under the icy surface of the Earth’s southernmost continent. From deep valleys to ...
Last week, the BAS released Bedmap3, "the most detailed map yet" of Antarctica's landscape beneath its blanket of ice, a ...
In this week’s Science for All newsletter, Priyali Prakash explains what is Bedmap3, the most comprehensive map yet of the ...
A lost continent has been discovered under Antarctica, proving that it was once linked to India and Australia where similar remnants were found. Science & Tech Trending ...
Antarctica’s total ice volume is now estimated at 27.17 million cubic kilometers (6.52 million cubic miles). The ice sheet ...
One of them is a madman — accused of violently beating, threatening and sexually harassed at least two of his teammates.
The World Meteorological Organisation’s State of the Global Climate 2024 report also highlights three years of record glacier loss, record air and ocean temperatures, the highest atmospheric CO levels ...