New insights into a "friendly virus" that could pave the way for cutting-edge treatments for the potentially fatal superbug C ...
US health regulators have approved a new antibiotic to treat urinary tract infections, a problem affecting more than 100 ...
The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a new type of antibiotic to treat urinary tract infections. The pill, ...
This antibiotic is the first new FDA-approved medication for urinary tract infections in decades, and meets the need for new ...
The Food and Drug Administration has approved a new antibiotic that can treat uncomplicated urinary tract infections, or ...
The drug Blujepa, from drugmaker GSK, provides a new treatment option as bacteria increasingly become resistant to the ...
Blujepa, which is made by the British pharmaceutical company GSK plc, is approved for the treatment of women and children ...
Having stripped back its workforce, antibiotics biotech Spero Therapeutics continues to strip away its remaining pipeline. | ...
Blujepa is the first new type of oral antibiotic to treat UTIs to gain approval in more than 20 years. Its development was ...
Researchers discovered lariocidin, a lasso peptide antibiotic that kills multidrug-resistant bacteria by binding a novel ...
GSK’s oral antibiotic Blujepa (gepotidacin) has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat ...
The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a new type of antibiotic to treat urinary tract infections. The pill, ...