"This is really a new and different Arctic." Scientists issue warning about the Arctic with massive implications for the ...
Decades of data following the migratory patterns of endangered caribou show that migration areas have decreased significantly ...
Their unusual story began about a hundred years ago. Now, as they head to the high north, an ambitious new chapter is being ...
creating a mismatch between caribou and their food. MOVING NORTHWARD. Many Arctic species, from shrubs to insects to mammals, are moving northward to keep pace with rising temperatures. [2] However, ...
Some officials in South Korea say agreeing to the pipeline investment might placate the U.S., but Trump is still threatening ...
Caribou are a member of the deer family. They are considered circumpolar which means they are found in the northern boreal and arctic regions around the entire world. They have adapted well to ...
Once one of the states largest caribou herds, southwestern Alaska's Mulchatna caribou herds' low population has failed to ...
Two caribou herds — the Western Arctic and the Teshekpuk Lake herds — calve and migrate through the region and are a vital subsistence resource for Alaska Native communities in northern and western ...
The study shows caribou herds changed their migratory duration, distance or elevation over 35 years of radio tag tracking.