The Hobbit movies weren't perfect, but I will always love these aspects of them, which make them stand out as an excellent ...
The Hobbit trilogy includes An Unexpected Journey ... on a quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug (Benedict Cumberbatch). The films include Gandalf's investigation into Dol Guldur ...
24.Lord of the Rings also used a bunch of miniatures — here's the famous bridge scene in Khazad-dûm. It was filmed with a few set pieces for close-ups and otherwise almost entirely used miniatures ...
Two new TV spots for director Peter Jackson's THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY show off glimpses of the dragon Smaug, voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch.
Benedict was seen with a crew member walking ... It made me go, 'Oh, right, yeah, I could die at any moment,'' Cumberbatch admitted. 'I was throwing myself out of planes, taking all sorts of ...
To break into the top 25 list globally, Ford recently overtook the likes of Steve Carell and fellow Marvel alum Benedict Cumberbatch. Before that, he overtook three other MCU stars – Hugh ...
TV writer Steven Moffat has confirmed he is eager to bring BBC's Sherlock back to the screen and reunite actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman - despite producer wife Sue Vertue ...
It was also claimed Benedict Cumberbatch, 48, was due to appear on Celebrity Apprentice but this was denied by his representative to Metro, who said he was filming another project. Before you get ...
Multi-award-winning actors Olivia Colman, and Benedict Cumberbatch will sprinkle their considerable star power on the BBC special, I can reveal. Robbie ­Williams will feature too. The A-Listers ...