Public ceremonies, lavish processions, and temporary wooden arches were commonplace after victory in Ancient Rome. But during ...
Anicia Juliana was a Byzantine woman who managed to conquer the fields of architecture, using her massive wealth and noble lineage.
New radiocarbon dating at grand Huqoq sanctuary near Tiberias puts its construction after the empire embraced Christianity, ...
The Romans named the seventh day Saturday, based on the Roman god Saturn. The word means “enough.” Saturn’s reign was ...
Tradition recounts that Longinus, a Roman centurion, pierced the side of Jesus with this very spear during the crucifixion.
When traveling to Italy, Father Nugent invites travelers to approach their destinations from the perspective of a pilgrim.
One theologian said Africa’s celebrations of the Christian framework would exhibit the continent’s rich theological heritage ...
After the kings were expelled from Rome and before the Julio-Claudians established the first imperial dynasty, the consuls ...
Our human history has witnessed hundreds and thousands of deities who have been worshipped by different societies across different cultures around the world. One such example is Jupiter—one of the ...
The tenth and eleventh weekly Torah readings from Exodus, Vayakkel (35:1-38:20) and Pekekudei (38:21-40:38) deal with the construction of the Tabernacle during Moses’s time. Many readers think the ...