From left: An array of ritual bronze ware unearthed from a tomb coded M1902 at the Liulihe Site in Beijing. Inscriptions include the taibao yong yan ("Taibao built the city of Yan"). CHINA DAILY ...
L’automne dernier, elle a notamment déposé à l’Assemblée nationale une pétition de plus de 95 000 signatures qui demandait de rendre gratuite la contraception. M me Ghazal explique ...
affirmant que l'opioïde et ses précurseurs chimiques transitent de Chine vers les États-Unis via le Canada et le Mexique. Il a également imposé 10% supplémentaires de droits de douane à la ...
Il peut donc être difficile de savoir si les produits que vous utilisez contiennent de l'acide borique ou des substances chimiques qui peuvent en produire. En vertu du Plan de gestion des produits ...
Eligible MassHealth members and Health Safety Net patients will have access to prenatal vitamins and over-the-counter birth control at no cost, under two standing orders that the Healey ...
(La Haye) Le ministre syrien des Affaires étrangères s’est engagé mercredi à détruire les stocks d’armes chimiques constitués sous le régime de Bachar al-Assad, lors d’un discours ...
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — The Senate JPR Committee killed a bill that would allow condoms and other birth control contraceptives to be sold in vending machines in Maryland public schools. Known as House Bill ...
Birth control provides benefits to millions of people and to our society. But some people in Oklahoma want to limit access. While the debates frequently touch on morality or ethics, people often ...
Recently a group of students from the Washington College of Law petitioned AU for more comprehensive birth control coverage. This petition, which lobbies for more birth control options and better ...
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (DC News Now) — Maryland lawmakers are weighing the contested issue of whether schools of all levels should be allowed to sell contraception. A bill allowing those sales to happen just ...
The best method of birth control will depend on individual needs and preferences. Methods vary widely in terms of reliability, ease of use, permanence, and other factors. Deciding on a birth ...
You’re reading The New Yorker’s daily newsletter, a guide to our top stories, featuring exclusive insights from our writers and editors. Sign up to receive it in your inbox. In today’s ...