"Brain fog" is an informal term used to describe a range of symptoms caused by a mild loss of cognition (including the ability to think, perceive, learn, or remember). People with brain fog describe ...
Coronal brain slice showing projections from different visual areas in the cerebral cortex to the ventrolateral geniculate nucleus (vLGN). These pathways are part of the circuit identified as ...
Introduction Selecting the ideal contact to apply subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS ... predicted the clinician-chosen contact was as follows: ERNA 80%, anatomy 67%, beta ...
Alternatively, should it be based on following the vessel to determine approximately the part of the brain ... on coronal reformats. Often, the two M2 branches will be similar in size. From a ...
We have identified brain areas that show increased activation as a function of the degree of temporal structure of the stimulus, which must, therefore, lie at a higher level in the auditory ...
A solar storm from a coronal mass ejection (CME) is set to strike Earth, bringing a minor geomagnetic storm to northern and upper Midwest states between January 24-25. Experts predict visible ...
Identifying Warning Signs The research team, led by Emily Mason from Predictive Sciences Inc., focused on coronal loops. These loops are arch-like structures in the Sun’s corona. The team ...
Your diaphragm contracts rhythmically and involuntarily (such as during sleep) due to signals from your brain. You can also voluntarily contract ... can have some minor variations in the diaphragm's ...
The brain is the part of the central nervous system that is contained within the skull. It is responsible for executive and cognitive functions and regulates the functioning of the other parts of ...
Evolutionary biologists and neuroscience researchers have teamed up to explore a new approach to recreating the brain structure of extinct and living birds by making digital 'endocasts' from the ...
This study explores the relationship between the anatomy of the auditory cortex and multilingual ... information processing and the impact of bi- and multilingualism on brain structure, we investigate ...