Emmett Till's cousin said the revelation that Till's accuser, Carolyn Bryant, is now saying part of her story was false is "a godsend" A “godsend.” That’s how Emmett Till’s family ...
Rev. Wheeler Parker, the cousin of Emmett Till, shared what he remembers about the night Till was murdered with 12 News. Parker sat down with 12 News Gerron Jordan to discuss the murder that ...
The last living person to see Emmett Till alive celebrated his memory ... Parker Jr. told FOX6 News he met God when he lost his cousin, Till, nearly 70 years ago. "It was like a nightmare, but ...
(WIBW) - The Indiana Avenue Church of Christ held their second annual Heritage Sunday to celebrate Black history and host guest presenter Amberly Carter, cousin of Emmett Till. Till’s 1955 ...
We need to tell the stories. It’s what Rev. Wheeler Parker Jr. has been doing for 70 years, and it’s what he did again Friday in Lincoln for a small group who gathered to hear Emmett Till’s ...
Black History Month program at the downtown Embassy Suites, which begins at 5 p.m. Parker is the last living eyewitness to the abduction of his cousin Emmett Till, who was killed at the hands of ...
Emmett Louis Till was born in Chicago on July 25, 1941. Emmett was the only child of Louis and Mamie Till. He never knew his father, a soldier, who died during World War II. At the age of five ...
But Louis Till had his eye on Mamie ... She wanted her son to go with her. But Emmett was set on joining his cousins and spending the end of the summer in Mississippi. When she put her son ...
Emmett Till was murdered 64 years ago ... some of the most fertile in the world. With his cousins, Till fished and swam and horsed around. Then one evening, they went to a local store, Bryant’s ...