ECUA says they maintain thousands of miles of water and sewer pipes and are working to replace much of it in phases.
The good news is work on a broken sewer main that has throttled traffic on one of Vancouver's busiest roadways is winding down for the time being. The bad news is the burst pipe under Terminal ...
A broken underground sewer pipe in downtown West Palm Beach has caused lane closures. The City of West Palm Beach stated on Thursday morning that westbound traffic on Okeechobee Boulevard near the ...
Meanwhile, the exact cause of the breach -- which cropped up at Main Street and Terminal Avenue in mid-June -- remains a ...
A sewer pipe broke in Springfield ... Sewer crews were also filling up another hole 300 feet away. Crews repaired the broken infrastructure within a few hours.
The city’s failure to properly maintain its system has resulted in cracked sewer pipes, leaking manholes, blockages and pump-station failures. Gadsden’s wastewater-treatment system has experienced ...
A broken pipe, which has left household waste draining onto a popular north Dublin beach, has been condemned by locals as ...
ECUA spokeswoman Nathalie Bowers said crews repaired the broken 12-inch pipe within a ... Authority is working to replace miles of old sewer pipes across Escambia County. Currently, crews are ...
The good news is work on a broken sewer main that has throttled traffic on one of Vancouver's busiest roadways is winding down for the time being. The bad news is the burst pipe under Terminal Avenue ...
A broken pipe off Scenic Highway spilled about 45,000 ... The utility company maintains 1900 miles of water mains and 1300 miles of sewer mains, Bowers said, and the company works constantly ...