Gotta love that we will take into account what the economist says about climate change but we’ll completely ignore what all ...
When the world feels out of control, it’s easy to spiral into fatigue and despair. Discover how to stay engaged and act on ...
B arbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley has become a leading champion of small economies in global climate discussions. And so I ...
The Defense secretary aims to purge climate work from the Pentagon. But critics say his carve-out for weather resiliency ...
Former climate skeptic, Benji Backer, is launching 'Nature is Nonpartisan' to make environmental progress, even with the ...
The Book of Life, argues that the climate movement is thinking about its work, and messaging, all wrong. “Those who call ...
Experts from Purdue and Indiana University put a spin on a normal climate change event by focussing on the great work being ...
A recent study indicates that many people react to the overwhelming scope of the climate emergency by distancing themselves ...
Conservative conference featured global right-wing speakers from Liz Truss to JD Vance calling for an end to climate ...
Researchers have found that women and girls in the conflict-torn nation of South Sudan are facing greater health risks and worsened inequality due to the negative impacts of climate change as the ...
The information for participants page is the go-to-page to find information that will help you plan your attendance at COP30 in Belém, Brazil. The page is updated as more information becomes available ...
Climate change refers to a statistically defined change in the average and/or variability of the climate system, this includes the atmosphere, the water cycle, the land surface, ice and the living ...