God of War Ragnarok update 6.002 (patch 6.02 on PS4) is now live, and this updates the transmog system, and enables the Black ...
Curious about the nearly 80 suits that'll feature in Spider-Man 2's PC release? Here's a list of all of the costumes for both Peter Parker and Miles Morales.
For types of modes of the Nether, there are 3 types available. The Nether: Exploration, up to 3 players, and more of the ...
Unfortunately, there’s no Exotic armor coming to Destiny 2 in Heresy. Bungie confirmed that it focused on delivering new ...
Arc Alignment: Dealing any Arc damage from any sources aligns the battery's coils. When alignment is complete, press reload ...
Star Wars items will launch day one with Heresy on February 2nd. Destiny has had other collaborations in the past, including ...
Bungie has announced that it will add official Star Wars gear in Destiny 2: Heresy, the game's upcoming expansion. Destiny 2 ...
Destiny 2 is soon releasing Episode Heresy, which will introduce some new weapons—one of which is likely to become meta.
Legendary weapons are the bread and butter of your Destiny 2 loadout. They pack enough punch to carry you through tough missions and boss fights, but don’t take up your coveted Exotic slot.
Bungie revealed new Star Wars cosmetics coming to the Eververse in Destiny 2 alongside the new Episode Heresy.
Heresy is bringing back the Taken King's Dreadnaught, as well as unleashing a new Star Wars crossover event.
Discover the powerful new Destiny 2 Heresy Exotics on the revamped Dreadnaught. Learn about their perks and how they'll ...