An epidermoid cyst, commonly and incorrectly referred to as a sebaceous cyst ... discourages this for a few reasons. First, the incision leaves a permanent scar. Second, this technique can ...
If your OB/GYN tells you that you have ovarian cysts, it might make you worry about ovarian cancer. But even though these two conditions can bring on similar symptoms, they’re very different ...
Cystic-acne sufferers know that a cyst is not the same beast as your garden-variety pimple. While whitehead pimples sit on the surface of the skin (which, though unsightly, means they’re easier ...
In January, Batuello started to revise the scarring on Lance's face. He made an elliptical incision, then stretched the skin together. Again and again, over months and months, the discolored graft has ...
I had one removed from my head when I was about eight-years-old and didn't have another until two years ago. Now I have three that have come up on my head beneath my hair.
Ingrown hair cysts can usually be treated at home. Taking steps like stopping shaving, keeping the area clean, and applying over-the-counter medications will ease symptoms while the cysts heal.
BACKGROUND Sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid is rare. The diagnosis might be difficult because of its ability to masquerade as other periocular lesions. Prognosis is still regarded as being poor ...
Other diagnostic tools, such as pelvic ultrasounds or MRIs, may be used to identify cysts or adhesions but cannot confirm endometriosis on their own. Laparoscopic surgery can remove endometriosis ...
Steri-Strips—thin adhesive strips commonly used to help stabilize an incision after stitches have been removed or dissolved—are meant to be worn until they fall off on their own. However, if they ...
Many skin problems are temporary and can be treated with medications or simply with time. Learn more here.