and biological emergency management and response services, including epidemics and pandemics. It also provides operates Global Environmental Solutions platform, which offers environmental products and ...
For occasions like these, it’s never a bad idea to stock up a loved one’s home or car with emergency preparedness items and safety tools that offer potentially lifesaving benefits. If you’re looking ...
MANILA – The Department of Energy (DOE) said Tuesday the National Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (RADPLAN) has been reviewed and refined as the government eyes ...
The Philippines has enhanced its nuclear energy emergency preparedness with the successful completion of a writeshop dedicated to refining the National Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Preparedness ...
The certificate provides students, whether traditional or working professionals, an in-depth acumen related to incident management, risk identification, emergency planning, and emergency management ...
From the Black Summer bushfires five years ago emerged a gap in emergency preparedness and resources, specifically among families with infants and evacuation centres which hosted them.
dDepartment of Virology and Experimental Therapeutics, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Recife, Brazil eGonçalo Moniz Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Recife, Brazil fDepartment of ...
WHO declared the Zika virus epidemic a public health emergency of international concern in 2016. Despite this declaration, there are no licensed vaccines, therapeutics, or diagnostic tests appropriate ...