One Day, a picture book by the beloved children’s author, follows the true story of a father and son escaping Auschwitz by train ...
When author Kristen Martin lost her own parents to cancer as a child, her experience as an orphan was nothing like that.
The screenwriter, musician and songwriter, who grew up in Lincolnshire ... hypnotic book that reflects contemporary Britain through a distorted lens”. Leslie is also a psychedelic pop singer ...
Creating a roundup of the 25 best-selling books of all time is harder than it ... So here is what we came up with, with a few self-imposed rules: We're doing literary fiction only.
Your TBR list is getting longer... The simple joy of reading a book can inspire so much. While we’re turning their pages, we use our imaginations to live inside entire worlds with its characters.
Have you read all the books related to the 16 previous goals ... The entire world needs to team up to achieve its common goal: ensuring a better future for everybody on earth.
Even in the 21st-century digital age, books haven’t lost their importance; they are still a reliable source for gathering information. Although we can now carry thousands of e-books on mobile devices ...
They get delivered an old book full of magic incantations, and while reading it they accidentally bring a cartoon character to life. The cartoon character likes the blood of young girls ...
2013’s Evil Dead is widely considered among the best horror remakes ever in the way it pays homage to what made the original films special by cranking everything up several notches. Ten years ...
Several have given up their formal education or left families hundreds of miles away. And in the fast-moving world of K-pop, where stars trend young and groups often disband after just a few years ...