China is using increasingly sophisticated grey-zone tactics against subsea cables in the waters around Taiwan, using a shadow ...
Ankara’s veto signals that its geopolitical priorities increasingly diverge from those of the alliance, providing NATO’s ...
As the war morphs into a deadly routine, it's harder for him to hold the attention of allies, and to keep people like Trump ...
Several European nations, including Denmark, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Finland, along with Canada, have updated their ...
Finlandization” is about weaker countries having to cede sovereignty to appease stronger bullies, such as Russia and, now, ...
There have been no particularly serious changes over the past day. It is understandable — weekends. Although for those who ...
Upon returning from an official visit to Finland, Lithuanian Minister of National Defence Dovilė Šakalienė unveiled Finland’s ...
In a thought-provoking conversation with Firstpost, Dr. Hanna Shelest, Security Studies Program Director at Prism UA and ...
The allied militaries did not specify where within the Arctic Circle the exercise took place, but the area is home to Russian ...
Senior military officers from more than 30 countries across Europe and beyond met in England on Thursday to flesh out plans ...
Europe's biggest military powers are drawing up plans to take on greater responsibilities for the continent's defence from ...