Something she taught me is that the unfinished can be finished.” These influences informed Ruttenberg’s first major interiors ...
The absence of an alternate big urban centre has led to the over congestion of Patna, skyrocketing land prices in a state ...
This year, the ultimate status symbol isn't having a Ferrari, or a Rolex, or even an expensive designer bag. According to ...
Architects Bella and Richard Parker share how they renovated a higgledy-piggledy hillside cottage in Somerset into a quirky ...
From a canal boat in London to an architectural masterpiece in Helsinki, these are the world's most brilliant bookstores ...
These wall decorating tips will help you know when you should and shouldn't decorate every wall in the room and how you can ...
It was with a frisson of anticipatory delight that I crossed the threshold of Tom Burr’s warehouse in Connecticut, two hours ...
Built in 1954, the house was rife with architectural talking points: a wood-burning fireplace with a bell-curved canopy, a decorative Indian-carved door in the living room and terrazzo floors in the ...
With its radical buildings by Eliel Saarinen and Alvar Aalto, the Finnish capital is one of Europe’s most fascinating, if ...
St. Louis architecture has a style all its own. You can look at many St. Louis houses and instantly know that they are from ...
The thing about designing a Mumbai apartment is that they all tend to blur together—matchbox layouts, builder-grade flooring, ...
He did a crowd-work special that included sections called “Mexican,” “Colombian,” and “Black Women.” His newest special, ...