The latest analysis of data from the Galileo probe reveals surprising clues about Callisto, one of Jupiter's moons. These discoveries could change our understanding of this icy satellite.
On this date, Jan. 7, 1610, astronomer Galileo Galilei, with a homemade telescope, noticed three points of light near Jupiter. Initially believing they were distant stars, Galileo’s repeated ...
In the 1990s, however, NASA's Galileo spacecraft captured magnetic measurements near Callisto that suggested that its ice shell surface—much like that of Europa, another moon of Jupiter—may ...
Using data collected by NASA's Juno spacecraft as it flew past Jupiter's highly volcanic moon Io in late 2023 and again in early 2024, a Southwest Research Institute-led team identified electrons with ...
READ MORE: {{title}} NASA’s Galileo spacecraft, which was designed to study the large, gaseous planet Jupiter and its moons, first caught hints of this secret ocean back in the 1990s ...
SAN ANTONIO — March 10, 2025 — Using data collected by NASA’s Juno spacecraft as ... beyond the distance where Galileo explored. These beams travel along Jupiter’s magnetic field ...