Poison oak rash is an allergic reaction to the leaves or stems of the western poison oak plant (Toxicodendron diversilobum). Home remedies and medical treatments can help manage symptoms.
Poison ivy and poison oak are two other commonly known ... a visit to your doctor if you think your rash has become infected due to scratching. Treatment will usually involve antibiotics.
A person can treat some rashes ... adults in the United States are allergic to urushiol. Poison ivy, poison oak, and sumac rashes usually clear up by themselves within a few weeks.
Poison ivy contains a mixture of organic compounds called urushiol. This compound has an irritating and allergenic effect when it comes into contact with human skin. It causes a rash that itches ... a ...
If the rash still occurs, treating the area with topical corticosteroid creams ... Camping can expose you to allergens you wouldn't ordinarily contact at home, such as poison oak and ivy, insect ...
The rash is itchy. Contact dermatitis is an allergic skin rash. The location of the rash may suggest the cause: Poison ivy or oak: exposed areas, such as the hands. Nickel (metal): anywhere the metal ...
Consists of three products for the prevention and treatment of poison oak, ivy and sumac IvyBlock lotion prevents the skin rash IvyCleanse alcohol wipe removes the harmful oils that cause the rash and ...
Atopic dermatitis often causes a red rash in the creases of the elbows and knees ... Urushiol, a substance naturally found in the sap and oils of Rhus plants, such as poison ivy, poison oak, and ...
Researchers have discovered that cancer cells suppress 'poison exons' -- genetic elements that act as an off switch for protein production -- in a key gene called TRA2 , promoting tumor growth. By ...