Letter writers discuss President Donald Trump’s Justice Department speech, what should a good citizen do in this political ...
What's the role of local law enforcement when it comes to assisting ICE in Colorado? Denver7 anchor Jessica Porter spoke with ...
Task Force Model gives local law enforcement officers the power to stop people and ask for their papers during routine police ...
SAN ANTONIO — San Antonio's two largest law enforcement agencies will now notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) if ...
Minnesota lawmakers recently proposed a bill that would encourage state agencies and law enforcement to share immigration ...
Legislation passed the Assembly Tuesday that would claw back state aid from counties where the sheriff doesn’t cooperate with ...
In an emergency meeting Friday the Fort Myers City Council votes unanimously to have some city cops trained as ICE agents ...
Both agencies now have the ability to nominate and train its officers to perform functions of an ICE immigration officer.
Kansans overwhelmingly voted for President Donald Trump. So why are so many local authorities hesitant to help his ...
On Monday night, the Fort Myers City Council voted down a 287(g) agreement that would have enhanced local law enforcement ...
A Cornell graduate student who has been a prominent voice at pro-Palestinian protests — and who faced intense criticism for ...